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1m 32s

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Table of Contents in Word

This workshop explains how to add a table of contents in Word.


Add a table of contents in Word for Microsoft 365*

  1. Open your Microsoft Word document.
  2. Select the Home tab.

    You will need to apply a style to each heading you would like to include in the table of contents.

  3. Select the text in your document you would like to include in the table of contents.
  4. In the Styles section, select Heading 1 for major headings or Heading 2 for sub-headings.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 to apply styles to all headings and sub-headings in your document.
  6. Select the spot in your document where you would like to add the table of contents.
  7. Select the References tab.
  8. In the Table of Contents section, select Table of Contents.
  9. Select the style of table of contents you would like.

    Word will add a table of contents in your document.

*These instructions may vary on other versions of Word.


Task for Learning

Successfully add a table of contents to your Word document.

Review Question


These downloadable documents contain the transcript, instructions, and review questions for this workshop.

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  • Transcript
  • Instructions
  • Review questions
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  • Transcript
  • Instructions
  • Review questions