Video length:

1m 33s

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Page Numbers in Word

This workshop explains how to add page numbers in Word.


Add page numbers in Word for Microsoft 365*

  1. Open your Microsoft Word document.
  2. Select the Insert tab.
  3. In the Header and Footer section, select Page Number.
  4. Choose the position you would like for the page numbers.
  5. Select Close Header and Footer.

To start the page numbers on the second page of your document:

  1. Select the Insert tab.
  2. In the Header and Footer section, select Page Number.
  3. Select Format Page Numbers…
  4. Under Page Numbering, select Start At and change the number to 0.
  5. Select OK.
  6. Once more, in the Header and Footer section, select Page Number.
  7. Choose the position you would like for the page numbers.
  8. In the Options section, place a check in the box for Different First Page.
  9. Select Close Header and Footer.

*These instructions may vary on other versions of Word.


Task for Learning

Successfully add page numbers to your Word document.

Review Question


These downloadable documents contain the transcript, instructions, and review questions for this workshop.

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  • Transcript
  • Instructions
  • Review questions
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  • Transcript
  • Instructions
  • Review questions