Avoiding Plagiarism with Paraphrasing
This workshop explains how to paraphrase to avoid plagiarism.
To paraphrase the words and ideas of other authors without plagiarizing:
- Review the section that you would like to paraphrase.
- Make sure that you understand the section well.
Set the original work aside and try to explain the section in your own words.
Avoid copying and pasting the original section and changing words and phrases to make it different. It will likely be too similar to the original and may be considered plagiarism.
After you create your paraphrase, compare it with the original.
If there are still strong similarities in sentence structure or phrases or uncommon words, make changes to your paraphrase.
- Include an in-text citation after your paraphrase according to the citation style you are using.
Task for Learning
Locate two academic journal articles. Take note of how each article cites other works with paraphrasing.
Review Question
Avoiding Plagiarism with Paraphrasing © 2021 by Mish Boutet & Leïla Saadaoui is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.